Terms & Conditions

Grange Meadow Field Hire
By making a booking you confirm that you and anyone else attending your session have read and agreed to all the following Terms & Conditions.

The Field
The field has been previously used for agriculture so there is uneven ground and there are sometimes wild animal burrows which we endeavour to repair as and when found. There may be other hazards in the field such as foreign objects, stinging nettles, thorns, mole hills, biting/stinging insects and the surface can be slippery in wet conditions so please wear suitable footwear. Please do not allow dogs to dig, if they do fill the hole back in to prevent accident/injury to others. Please do not bring dogs with virus/disease to the field, ie Kennel Cough, Diarrhoea/Sickness etc. The use of the field is solely for dog owner/s to allow their dog/s freedom to run around, have fun and feel secure. Do not allow your dogs to jump at the fencing or dig holes. There are no toilet or refuse facilities at Grange Meadow, keep the field tidy and do not leave any litter behind. If you use toys please take them away with you and pick up any broken bits of toys, especially tennis balls. No smoking in the field. It is a requirement of the field to pick up all poo and take it away with you.

Dogs & Vehicles
For the safety of you and your dog, the maximum dogs that can be walked per person is 3.  This is also to ensure you are able to watch them all and clean up behind them. The maximum number of dogs per booking that can be walked in the field at any one time is 6 with 2 adults. Prior approval for more will be considered.  A maximum of two vehicles/families are allowed in the field at a time.  Please do NOT let your dogs out of the car before you are in the field and have locked the gate.

The use of the field is solely for dog owner/s to allow their dog/s freedom to run around, have fun and feel secure.  Do not allow your dogs to jump at the fencing or dig holes. The field has 6ft high fences that are dug into the ground and are checked regularly. You are welcome to check the fence for damage or holes, before you use the field. Pease report any problems immediately. We will not be held responsible or liable for dogs that escape the field.

There are 2 taps in the field with horse troughs & a bowl but you might prefer to bring your own bowls.  There is also a watering can by the tap to wash down loose poo.  We have a paddling pool for dogs that like to cool down in the water and a 5000 litre round splash pool which is available in Summer (Additional fee applies) this is in a fenced enclosure for safety. We also have 2 rain shelters and a large picnic bench. There are several parkour & agility items as well.  A First Aid kit is kept in the large field shelter and there are rakes at the top and bottom of the field for repairing holes if your dogs have dug. All equipment in the field is for canine use and we do not take any responsibility for any human or canine injury caused by them using any equipment. Never allow children to climb on the fence, gate or equipment. There are no toilet or refuse facilities at Grange Meadow, keep the field tidy and do not leave any litter behind. If you use toys please take them away with you and pick up any broken bits of toys, especially tennis balls. No smoking in the field.  It is a requirement of the field to pick up all poo and take it away with you.

Your first booking will involve meeting someone to go over the use of the field, gate, parking and to answer any questions you might have and at which time, you will be required to return these Terms & Conditions signed and completed.  The field is appointment only so you have sole use of the field. Always lock the gate when you leave, you will be given the padlock code when we first meet you and it will be sent 3 hours before any further bookings.

Appointments are 55 minutes, you must vacate the field before the 55 minutes are up.  There is a 5 minute gap at the end of each appointment to ensure customers don’t meet. This is to ensure that users with anxious/aggressive/reactive dogs can exit/enter the field without the risk of seeing another dog. If you arrived late for your appointment, you must still leave when your appointment slot is finished.  Only people we have met and have signed these T&C are permitted to use bookings, do not give your booking to someone else.

If you arrive early please tuck your vehicle in to the space beside the fence on the left hand side of the gate so as not to cause an obstruction on Meadow Road or the field track.  NEVER stop or wait in front of the neighbouring field gate. Do not park on the track that goes between the 2 fields, this is a very busy footpath for walkers.

Never open the gate if someone else is in the field, their dogs might escape or be fear aggressive. Please do not distract other people’s dogs. Once the field is vacated you can drive in, close the gate and padlock it to keep your dogs secure. If anyone tries to enter the field while you are in there please let us know. When leaving please do not reverse out, always turn round and drive out forwards.

On leaving the field, please always lock the padlock, even if somebody is waiting to come in. We ask everybody to do this to ensure everyone knows the code and because people outside might not be customers. Do not tell anyone else the padlock code or let anyone else into the field unless they know the code.  When you are leaving the field ensure your dogs are secured in car as you are locking the gate and they cannot get out of your car through the open door and escape!

All equipment in the field is for canine use and we do not take any responsibility for any human or canine injury caused by them using any equipment. Never allow children to climb on the fence, gate or equipment.

You can pay by debit/credit card, BACS or cash.

In exceptional circumstances we reserve the right to cancel your slot if necessary. You can re-schedule your booking up to 48 hours in advance. Rescheduling appointments is not permitted without 48 hours notice

Data Protection
The new GDPR data protection law came into effect on May 25th 2018. All the data you provide to us (Dog Zone Ltd) for use of our facilities is obtained with your knowledge and consent. It is of legitimate interest to us as it allows you to: use the online booking system, receive entry codes and have access to incentives (e.g. free sessions) for helping keep the field waste-free. We only use additional contact details you provide in case of emergency (e.g. sudden field closure or code change).

To check what information we hold, you can visit “Your Account” on the booking site or you can contact the Data Controller, Dog Zone Ltd.

We store the following data:
1)  The information stored on your booking form.
2)  Contents of texts, emails and social media messages in order to keep track of your purchase history.

We do not store any financial data. Your information will never be shared or used for marketing purposes without your prior written consent. All details are password protected and only the owners of Dog Zone Ltd have access to them them, in the course of administering the day-to-day activities of Dog Zone Ltd (Grange Meadow). You can request this information or its deletion at any time by contacting Dog Zone Ltd. Any breach, once identified, is reported to Acuity (our booking system provider) and the police.  You can request deletion of your online booking account if you do not want these details to be held, but they are vital for you to be able to use the field. Any deletion requests will be completed with 28 days. By signing up to the booking system you agree to the use of your information as described above.